讲座题目:Sustainable Innovation for Regional Development in Japan
Dr. and Prof. Makoto Hirano, Dean of faculty of Regional Management, the University of Fukuchiyama, Kyoto, Japan, PhD in Engineering (Waseda Univ. Japan), MBA (Temple Univ. USA), PhD in International Business Management (Waseda Univ. Japan).
He is engaged in NTT Advanced Technology Laboratory (Japan), NEL America Inc. (USA), Kochi Institute of Technology (Japan), and Shibaura Institute of Technology (Japan).
Job experience: R&D in engineering, start-up business in USA, and education of university students and working people in graduate school.
Regional disparity is one of the most serious social issues in Japan. Because of decline of agriculture in regions, many local areas are facing economical stagnation and depopulation/aging through moving out of younger generation. There is a negative circulation for social infrastructure and industry. As a hint to overcome the hardship, some unique cases will be introduced in the lecture. These cases infer the significance of tangible assets, such as regional brand, culture, credibility/solidarity of people and so on. If we can utilize these tangible assets effectively for regional development, we can produce sustainable innovation in powerless regions.